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May our feeling penetrate into the center of our heart, and seek, in love, to unite itself with the human beings seeking the same goal, with the spirit beings who, bearing grace, strengthening us from realms of light, and illuminating our love — are gazing down upon our earnest, heartfelt striving.

“The United States of America received a great gift from Rudolf Steiner in 1923: the so called ‘America Verse’ given for the Foundation of the Threefold Group which was transmitted by a Swiss messenger directly from Rudolf Steiner to Ralph Courtney. Ralph Courtney met Rudolf Steiner in Paris in 1906 and later became a strong voice internationally for the Threefold Social Order. This verse was translated into English by Frederick Heckel, a long-time editor of the Society’s Newsletter.
Today many people work with this Verse privately and in groups and branches of the Anthroposophical Society in America. I would like to suggest that members and friends who are concerned about the destiny of America at this time, direct the thoughts which are within this Verse especially to the beings of the Third Hierarchy who may then be able to form this meditative effort into a positive direction. This Verse is actually both a meditation and a prayer.”
– Excerpt from a 2020 letter by Virginia Sease, emeritus member of the Executive Council of the Goetheanum in Dornach, former Council member from the US Society.
Read the full letter: