Periodically, we will post here recorded events when given permission by the presenter(s).
April 21, 2023. Andrew Linnell offered to us from his MysTech research what Rudolf Steiner had to say about Technology’s role in our evolution. Andrew looked primarily at current developments and how these play out during the coming cultural ages of this Fifth Epoch. Video.

March 10, 2023. One of the great Russian artists who worked with Andrei Belyi and studied Anthroposophy was Evgeny Spassky. Here local member, Mark Khesin, explores the inner meaning of Spassky’s paintings. Mark was a member in Moscow and knew Sergei Prokofieff and others before moving to Boston. Video.

August 21, 2022 “Working with the Christ to mitigate harmful effects from devices. Vidar and the Northern Path.” with Are Thoresen, video.

- August 20, 2022 “Opening the Three Elemental Kingdoms” with Are Thoresen, video.
- July 20, 2019 online “Theory of Mind, Consciousness, and Reality” arising from research into Near Death Experiences with Robert and Suzanne Mays to a joint meeting of the Boston Branches of IANDS and the Anthroposophical Society, video.